Tuesday, February 3, 2009

vsFTPd permission problem

vsFTPd permission help

You have it correct.

If a directory has perms g+s, and is group-owned webadmin, all new files/directories will be group-owned webadmin. Only root can chown/chgrp to another user/group, so your base web directory must be setup before you start your FTP transfers.

New files and directories will be created based upon the following:

1) the file_open_mode configured in vsftpd.conf
2) the local_umask specified configured in vsftpd.conf
3) the users current umask when running ftp

Both 2 and 3 are combined. If the local_mask is 007, but the user running ftp has a umask of 022, then the combined umask will be 027.

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